Monday, January 28, 2008

a letter about Tebit

How are you? The reason I write to you is I want to explain our country’s real situation to you. I believe that as a Chinese what I know is more authentic than you seen in a movie. I was appreciate of you to love your country before you speak ill of my home country. You just add insult to injury my feeling. I think I have the responsibility to tell you the truth and I would like you to read this book.
To begin, I want to say the Tebit’s affair. As a matter of fact, 700years ago, Tebit was under governance of Yuan dynasty of China. We had been connected more tightly during the ming and qing dunasty. Even in the World War2, Tebit and center government have ever loosed, Tebit never exist as an independent country. It’s not the capture you said. In this affair, I think you made a terrible mistake. I just wondered that why you believe a movie adapts from a vagrant’s book but never saw Chinese government do for Tebit. Can you image which government would rude to the people that they want to draw. Don’t you think it’s funny? I
As for hong kong, what you know just makes me surprising. If you know a little bit Chinese history, you will know that in order to get more right in china, British aggressed China and threaded us to singe unequal treaty. It is not a little bit as you said that china get money.
You said you love Chinese history. However, I don’t think so. I’m sorry but I have to say you even don’t know a little bit about Chinese. Take this chance I would like to tell you please respect other country.
Any way thank you for your read.