Sunday, March 30, 2008

If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?

"If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?" said by Percy Bysshe Shelley, which encourage people got in quandary.

For a long time I was depressed by studying English. Because my careless and inadvisability, I caught in a big trouble in studying process. I complained, regretted, and went downhill. For some reason I told myself I can not always force into regret showing sympathy to myself instead of bestirring. I had to pass it so that I make hard effort on studying 10 times harder than before with the hope to redeem the mistake I have made. Our capacity to cope successfully with life's challenges far outstrips our capacity to feel nervousness

Holding onto regret is like dragging the weight of the past with us everywhere we go. It drains our energy, leaving less available for life in the present because we are constantly feeding an old issue. When you take steps to eliminate the fear, you can more fully enjoy the excitement. Though you may find it difficult to avoid getting worked up, your awareness of the forces acting on your feelings will help you return to your center

We should live in this world when we love it.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

To People Love Life and Peace, Truth and Justice

As a Canadian residents, we love this peaceful and beautiful, free and democratic country. As immigrant from China, We also love our hometown and motherland. The riot recently happened in Tibet China and responses around world arouse our attention. We are here to express our serious concerns and worries, and to show our sympathy. We protest against those violence, crimes and acts of terrorism, untrue and misleading news coverage, double standard and prejudice.
Here one we Would like to point or some facts that should know about Tibet and Lhasa riot:
Fact one,what happened in Lhasa and other place in China were not peaceful protests. A variety of information sources confirmed this is an organized horrible violence.
Fact two, it is obvious that major Western Medias didn't give a fair and impartial news reporting after the riot happened. China Central Television has broad casted first hand video clips, and there are also some picture and video clips in Internet taken by Western tourists in Lhasa. But most Western Medias didn't adopt those sources in those sources in their news reports. Instead, some Medias cut or even attached with wrong videos and picture, mad fake new reports, added misleading comments. This is completely contrary to their ideal and principle of neutrality and fairness. Why Chinese government didn't permit foreign journalists enter Tibet ? Wearing a colored glosses on the eyes, always focusing on military and soldiers, blinding all of other facts. Don't forget U.S Gov't restricted news reporting from Iraq after truth was broad casted. We were gratified to see that after the truth has been confirmed with evidence, some Medias apologized and corrected errors.
Fact Three: China is also a country ruled by law. No state government in the world can tolerate such violence occurred in the streets: burring fire and robbing shops, attacking government authorities, even killing civilians! So why blame Chinese Gov't arrest criminals?
Fact four: most importantly, Tibet was a part of China's territory in the most time of past 800years, even longer than the history of USA and Canada. All the countries in the world accept it within 100 years. You can find proof in many places.
Fact Five: before 1959, Tibet was a Brutal serf society under the feudal theocratic regime, controlled bu masters and noblemen.Dalai Lama was sitting on the top of that theocracy society. There was no human rights in old Tibet.
Fact Six: China is also multi culture nation with diversity. The 56ethnics are united ad one China; Tibetan is a member of the family.Just like in Canada, but people in Canada are from other countries; people in China have been lining there more than thousands years. Majority Chinese people including 5 million Tibetan love and enjoy peace. The recent violent crime committed in Tibet was organized bu a small amount of mobs that tried to separate Tibet from China.
Fact Seven: 2008 is a historic year of China Olympic game will be held in Beijing. Chinese government is doing their best to make this global sport event successful and remarkable! All Chinese people are supporting Beijing2008; and as the host, welcome friends from all over the world. We strongly oppose to the boycott of the Olympic Games, oppose to thePiliticizantion of the Olympics.
resources from Chinese Demonstration.
there's too many things should be said. I had to omit some

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Arduous application process.

Since I came here, I have known everything I have depend on myself, but the truth is harder than I thought. Like the PR card still didn't come, like They always delay my T4. Among those Applying University is the most arduous thing which almost draw me mad. In spite filling the application form is a tough, the following things are more complicated than I thought. At first I went to office many many times for asking information. After 2 month's' "struggle," I got the official transcription and guarantee(here I have to omit 1,000 words) successfully. But blackboard still didn't update, I worried continually. Anyway the first I thought I could put my heard into chest, the next day I heard I have to do references and resume. Oh my godlish! I never did that even heard that before. I am confused many things now. The most annoying thing is that I am not sure if I can pass EAP2. That's a big problem. If not, thus, I have to not only wait one more year but also do all those again!!!!

I feel so sad, so depress.

My home City--Dalian

Dalian people squrare Dalian starsea square---the largest square in Asia

Many people here may don't know my home city---Dalian.Dalian is really a beautiful romantic city. Dalian, which on the east coast of the southern tip of Liaodong peninsular in northeast China with the Yellow Sea on the east, Bohai Sea on the west, is the marine gateway of northeast China, North China.

Dalian lies in the warm temperate zone, with maritime feature of warm temperate continental monsoon climate. Thus, its four seasons are distinct with neither extremely cold weather in winter nor extremely hot weather in summer.

Dalian has become the most important trading and financial center in northeastern China.Since the 1990s Dalian City has emphasized the development of the IT industry, especially in Dalian High-Tech Zone and Dalian Software Park
one shopping mall

With a wide array of entertainment options, an abundance of local sights to visit, Dalian is very famous for it tourism. Such as Polar Aquarium, shengya Aquarium, Disccovery Park, Lushun Museum
Discovery Park----north disney

When I begin to say something about my home city,there's tooooo many to say. Just in this case to introduce my romantic homecity and release my homescikness.City light train

Monday, March 17, 2008

team work and individual work

Sometimes we find ourselves involved in a dilemma whether to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently. To some people’s mind, working independently is superior arguing that working on a team will waste a lot of time. But from others’ point of view, it is quite the other way. They believe that a team will provide considerable knowledge and experience which is conducive to problem solving. In my opinion, working with a group of people is better. One of the primary reasons is that working on a team, one can gather abundant knowledge and experience, which will help him or her see a problem from different angles and . By this way, he or she can think up more comprehensive solution. For instance, when a student is required to write a dissertation on a special topic, he is inclined to view a subject just from his own experience. However, if he discusses the topic with several other students, he must gather more information and understand how diverse the responses are to the same problem among different people. Consequently, an objective, comprehensive and unique dissertation will be completed.A further reason is that the overall efficiency as well as the effectiveness could improve when one work with a group of people. A good case in the point is that when a person plans to sell a product, he or she may choose to sell it herself or with others. Obviously, it is hard to achieve a satisfying accomplishment when working alone. On the contrary, if he or she teams up with other people, each member can be assigned a small amount of tasks, which can save a lot of time and lead to high efficiency.The third reason why I prefer to work with a group of people is that one can be supported, encouraged and inspired by team members when he is upset and frustrated a tough assignment. However, it is very easy for him to give up the task when he works alone.From the analyses above, we can easily draw the conclusion that working with a group of people will be definitely more beneficial than working alone. The considerable knowledge and experience, the improvement on efficiency and effectiveness, and the support and encouragement from team members will indisputably contribute to perfect performance.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

my favouriate---linkin park

I connected rock while I was in grade 12. It was really a busy press period that all Chinese students who survie from it learning the experience. I had felt in love since I was first introducecd to it. It's an undeniably fabulous way to release pressure.

one of my best love bands is Linkin Park. Since their formation in 1996, the band has sold more than fifty million albums and won two Germany Award. They achieved mainstream success with their debut album, Hybrid Theory, which was certified Diamond by the RIAA in 2005. Their following studio album, Meteora, continued the band's success, topping the Billboard 200's album charts in 2003, and was followed by extensive touring and charity work around the world. the band moved away from their original style and explored a variety of other genres in their latest studio album, Minutes to Midnight.

I collect all of their CDs and news, which make me thill. Most people considere numb from Meteora as their peakedness work. Well, it can't be denied; however, I think all of their works are excellent. Each individual define music differently. Such as Bleed it Out, Novenber, Leave out all the rest, they convey different feeling.

Linkin park is talent bank. I am looking forward their next surprise.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

creative people

I'm a creative people. when I was reciting something, I would find some new ways which was proved very useful. It could be difficult to rember to extensive knowledge in limited time. I could always find use some creative ways to learn those staff. whenever I intend to write a essay, I always want to explain in uniquite perspective. Althouh there are more chances to be prove that doesn't work. However, I never lose heart.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

make noodles by ourself

Making noodles can be very simple. Just follow several steps. Let's start now. Before you start, make sure that there' flour, vegetables, meat in your kitchen. To begin, mix the flour and water and knead it to be hard. Then just leave it for a while. Next step, you should cut vegetables and meat after they have been washed. You may roll the flour while heat water. After finish all of those, you just start to fire meat and vegetables meanwhile add water. Now, you have nearly done. prepare a bowl and mix noodles and soups. The delious noodles is readly