Saturday, April 5, 2008
Time flew
It was entirely not easy as I thought before and extremely fantastic as expect before. Now it is time to say goodbye to some of my friends and instructors. I will miss you guys and thank you.
May you a happy future and good luck to myself.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
the distance

One of my friends used to ask me whether I had ever observed what the sea looked like on a clear day. I didn’t answer him directly then. But he told me that as far as we could see, the sea and the sky joined together and formed a beautiful arc at the end of our sight. They seemed to be together in the end. While as a matter of fact, there was still a far distance between them, like poles apart. They can’t be together, never ever. I felt so sorry when heard this, because I knew he was giving me some hint about our relationship. I didn’t know what to say about this. I just said that: “Didn’t you tend to get a bit too sentimental? It meant nothing at all but a natural phenomenon.” Sometimes I don’t like my way of dealing with things, especially about emotion. I always choose to run away from the eyes, the love and anything else. Why I always choose to run away? Like reading a novel, we cannot change the sad ending, but we can choose not to begin.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
For a long time I was

Holding onto regret is like dragging the weight of the past with us everywhere we go. It drains our energy, leaving less available for life in the present because we are constantly feeding an old issue. When you take steps to eliminate the fear, you can more fully enjoy the excitement. Though you may find it difficult to avoid getting worked up, your awareness of the forces acting on your feelings will help you return to your center
We should live in this world when we love it.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
To People Love Life and Peace, Truth and Justice
Here one we Would like to point or some facts that should know about Tibet and Lhasa riot:
Fact one,what happened in Lhasa and other place in China were not peaceful protests. A variety of information sources confirmed this is an organized horrible violence.
Fact two, it is obvious that major Western Medias didn't give a fair and impartial news reporting after the riot happened. China Central Television has broad casted first hand video clips, and there are also some picture and video clips in Internet taken by Western tourists in Lhasa. But most Western Medias didn't adopt those sources in those sources in their news reports. Instead, some Medias cut or even attached with wrong videos and picture, mad fake new reports, added misleading comments. This is completely contrary to their ideal and principle of neutrality and fairness. Why Chinese government didn't permit foreign journalists enter Tibet ? Wearing a colored glosses on the eyes, always focusing on military and soldiers, blinding all of other facts. Don't forget U.S Gov't restricted news reporting from Iraq after truth was broad casted. We were gratified to see that after the truth has been confirmed with evidence, some Medias apologized and corrected errors.
Fact Three: China is also a country ruled by law. No state government in the world can tolerate such violence occurred in the streets: burring fire and robbing shops, attacking government authorities, even killing civilians! So why blame Chinese Gov't arrest criminals?
Fact four: most importantly, Tibet was a part of China's territory in the most time of past 800years, even longer than the history of USA and Canada. All the countries in the world accept it within 100 years. You can find proof in many places.
Fact Five: before 1959, Tibet was a Brutal serf society under the feudal theocratic regime, controlled bu masters and noblemen.Dalai Lama was sitting on the top of that theocracy society. There was no human rights in old Tibet.
Fact Six: China is also multi culture nation with diversity. The 56ethnics are united ad one China; Tibetan is a member of the family.Just like in Canada, but people in Canada are from other countries; people in China have been lining there more than thousands years. Majority Chinese people including 5 million Tibetan love and enjoy peace. The recent violent crime committed in Tibet was organized bu a small amount of mobs that tried to separate Tibet from China.
Fact Seven: 2008 is a historic year of China Olympic game will be held in Beijing. Chinese government is doing their best to make this global sport event successful and remarkable! All Chinese people are supporting Beijing2008; and as the host, welcome friends from all over the world. We strongly oppose to the boycott of the Olympic Games, oppose to thePiliticizantion of the Olympics.
resources from Chinese Demonstration.
there's too many things should be said. I had to omit some
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Arduous application process.
I feel so sad, so depress.

My home City--Dalian

Monday, March 17, 2008
team work and individual work
Sunday, March 16, 2008
my favouriate---linkin park

one of my best love bands is Linkin Park. Since their formation in 1996, the band has sold more than fifty million albums and won two Germany Award. They achieved mainstream success with their debut album, Hybrid Theory, which was certified Diamond by the RIAA in 2005. Their following studio album, Meteora, continued the band's success, topping the Billboard 200's album charts in 2003, and was followed by extensive touring and charity work around the world. the band moved away from their original style and explored a variety of other genres in their latest studio album, Minutes to Midnight.
I collect all of their CDs and news, which make me thill. Most people considere numb from Meteora as their peakedness work. Well, it can't be denied; however, I think all of their works are excellent. Each individual define music differently. Such as Bleed it Out, Novenber, Leave out all the rest, they convey different feeling.
Linkin park is talent bank. I am looking forward their next surprise.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
creative people
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
make noodles by ourself
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
my friend
It was one week late for new semester When I arrived in Canada. When I got to classroom, the first person that I saw is yonghwa. What's more, we were asked to stayed to get information about new information-to my surprise-we wrer the only two late for that semester. We had had the first interaction during the way to second classroom.
We have bacome friend. We take full use time to talk about almost everything. some refer to dalily life, some about our study. however, most be talked is our two countries. Due to this kind of comunication. We all know the other country's coulture, policy which reveals a multicoultural world to me. Day by day, we have bacome friends.
Recently we always worry about applying majory. It's quite difficult to choose a subject as a at least 4year's studying with the limit of our art student status. However, she is so brave to decided to quite univerisity study in order to reach her favourite majory. I admire her so much. her determination shocked me as well.
From now on, just myself to worry about EAP marks, to worry about applying majory, to worry about future career. All these things give me a enourous depression.
The most important thing is I can't see her- my first friend-as nowadays situatio……
But best wishes to you. May you have your dream future.
Monday, January 28, 2008
a letter about Tebit
How are you? The reason I write to you is I want to explain our country’s real situation to you. I believe that as a Chinese what I know is more authentic than you seen in a movie. I was appreciate of you to love your country before you speak ill of my home country. You just add insult to injury my feeling. I think I have the responsibility to tell you the truth and I would like you to read this book.
To begin, I want to say the Tebit’s affair. As a matter of fact, 700years ago, Tebit was under governance of Yuan dynasty of China. We had been connected more tightly during the ming and qing dunasty. Even in the World War2, Tebit and center government have ever loosed, Tebit never exist as an independent country. It’s not the capture you said. In this affair, I think you made a terrible mistake. I just wondered that why you believe a movie adapts from a vagrant’s book but never saw Chinese government do for Tebit. Can you image which government would rude to the people that they want to draw. Don’t you think it’s funny? I
As for hong kong, what you know just makes me surprising. If you know a little bit Chinese history, you will know that in order to get more right in china, British aggressed China and threaded us to singe unequal treaty. It is not a little bit as you said that china get money.
You said you love Chinese history. However, I don’t think so. I’m sorry but I have to say you even don’t know a little bit about Chinese. Take this chance I would like to tell you please respect other country.
Any way thank you for your read.